Transforming Fibroid Care: Renee’s Experience with DualPortGYN Hysterectomy

Transforming Fibroid Care: Renee’s Experience with DualPortGYN Hysterectomy

In honor of Fibroid Awareness Month, we are sharing the inspiring story of Renee, one of our patients who underwent a DualPortGYN functional partial hysterectomy to address fibroids she had been dealing with for over 20 years. This blog will delve into Renee’s journey, the challenges she faced with various treatments, and how the innovative DualPortGYN technique finally brought her relief. Our goal is to raise awareness about fibroids and highlight the importance of exploring all treatment options.

2004: First Diagnosed with Fibroids

Renee was 31 when she first discovered she had fibroids during a routine doctor’s visit. At that time, she didn’t know much about fibroids and decided to just keep an eye on them. This “watch and wait” approach is typical, especially when general OB/GYNs, who do not specialize in treating fibroids, advise their patients to delay treatment.

-Unfortunately, this can lead to the fibroids growing larger over time, which is exactly what happened with Renee.


2010: Worsening Symptoms

As the years passed, Renee’s fibroids grew and started causing severe symptoms, including intense pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. In search of relief, she consulted her OB/GYN, who recommended an open myomectomy. Myomectomy, a surgical procedure aimed at removing fibroids, can be effective, but the fibroids often return. In addition, the recovery with open surgery can be two to three months time. In Renee’s case, this recommendation did not consider her personal circumstances—specifically, her decision not to have children.

-A better treatment option, such as a partial or full hysterectomy, should have been considered.


2014: An Attempt at UFE – Uterine Fibroid Embolization

A decade later, Renee’s symptoms worsened, and she decided to try Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE), a procedure she heard about on the radio. UFE involves injecting plastic particles into the uterus to “kill” the fibroids but does not remove them. While UFE can reduce some symptoms, it often fails to provide quick relief from symptoms such as bleeding and pain, and “compression” issues such as frequency of urination, back pain and pelvic pressure, and abdominal distension and bloating. Additionally, UFE can increase the risk of miscarriage and affect ovarian blood flow, impacting fertility and decreasing estrogen production.

-Unfortunately, Renee’s experience with UFE was disappointing—the treatment slightly reduced her fibroids but did not alleviate her symptoms.


2021 – 2023: More OBGYN “Watch and Wait”

By 2021, another ultrasound revealed that Renee not only had fibroids but also cysts. Her gynecologist’s recommendation was the same: “wait and see.” Frustrated, Renee decided it was time for a change. After switching doctors, she expressed her desire to explore a hysterectomy. However, her new gynecologist, after running some tests, stated, “I cannot justify recommending a hysterectomy.” So, Renee continued to suffer. In July 2023, with symptoms like pelvic and rectal pain worsening, Renee sought help from her primary care physician and new gynecologist. Despite significant growth in her uterus, the advice remained unchanged—”wait and see.”

-Tired of watching and waiting, Renee took matters into her own hands and started researching.


2024: Renee Consults CIGC

In April 2024, she discovered the Center for Innovative GYN Care (CIGC). Her first impression was one of validation and support: “From the moment I read the homepage, I immediately felt validated and supported. It made me feel like I am not crazy!” She scheduled a consultation and met with a CIGC surgeon, who thoroughly explained her condition and the available treatment options. For the first time, she was introduced to the DualPortGYN functional partial hysterectomy: a minimally invasive surgical option that was a perfect match for her condition! This procedure maintains the ovaries to ensure normal hormone function, preventing menopause, and retains the cervix to provide complete pelvic floor support to prevent “drop down” of organs such as the bladder and bowel. CIGC’s functional DualportGYN partial hysterectomy also preserves vaginal length, width, and sexual function. DualPortGYN immediately relieves fibroid symptoms, such as pain, bleeding, and bladder pressure, with a much faster recovery time and less pain compared to other treatments like UFE and robotic surgery.

-Best of all, the recovery is only 7 days back to work, and many patients are walking around an hour after the procedure!


2024: Finally, After 20 Years – RELIEF!

After years of temporary fixes and frustrating advice to “wait and see,” Renee was ready for a change. In 2024, she underwent the DualPortGYN functional partial hysterectomy. Reflecting on her pre-surgery emotions, Renee said she had no concerns because she was well-informed and ready for relief. The CIGC surgeon explained that her uterus, typically weighing around 70 grams, was about 230 grams due to the fibroids. Post-surgery, Renee was surprised by how minimal her pain was. She did not need to use narcotic pain medication— inbuprofen was all she needed. And within seven days, she was almost completely recovered. ,,She was also impressed that the surgery only required two small incisions, significantly less invasive than other surgical options. such as robotic procedures.

-Her experience highlights the effectiveness of DualPortGYN: fast recovery, minimal pain, and immediate symptom relief.


Be Your Own Best Advocate – DO YOUR RESEARCH!
Renee’s journey underscores the importance of understanding all available treatment options and finding specialists who can provide the best care. Her story serves as a powerful reminder for women to advocate for their health by educating themselves about their treatment options and making informed decisions.

-Renee encourages other women to DO YOUR RESEARCH: explore all options and empower yourself to take control of your health!


If you’re interested in hearing Renee’s full story, we encourage you to listen to the complete interview.

Link to the full interview:

We would love to hear from you!
Please take a moment to complete a brief survey about your surgery experiences, specifically UFE, Myomectomy, or Hysterectomy. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to advocate for and educate about effective fibroid treatments. Click on the link to access the survey: